THE HUBS IS COMING HOME!!!!! AAAHHHH! I'm so excited! The Hubs will be coming home on Thursday night. The girls' and I made a poster today, it's super cute. It's kind of short notice and I have a crazy busy week but I couldn't be happier. He should be home for a couple of weeks before heading off for training in VA. I can't wait to be back in his arms!! Look forward to homecoming pics! A good friend of mine is coming with for moral support and to take some pics! What a good friend! Here are some pics The Hubs sent...enjoy.

The Hubs, Gunny P and SSgt S

The Hubs and Gunny p. "raising the satellite of Afghan" Very funny.
Congrats! That is so exciting!! I bet you are just too excited!!
Thanks!!! I am SOO excited!!
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