Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Update; getting settled

Hello hello! Here is another attempt at blogging from my iPhone so bare with me!! I'm not sure where I left Off with my last post? We are in a house now and our TMO has arrived. A lot of our big stuff is broken, like the couch, entertainment center and bookshelves. Bummer! Did I announce that we got a dog? She's awesome. I love her so much already. I know the families are dying for us tO call... We do not have a phone yet! We are expecting to get Internet next week and cM hopefully skype call you! Other than the explosion of TMO, we are settling well. I am expecting tO hold the Unit Easter get together at our house , so I have a few weeks to get it tOgether.

Hubs has been working some crazy schedules ever since the Earthquake. At first it was 8am until 8pm which is more like 7 am until 9pm. That was no fun! Then it was changed to overnight shift, which isn't too bad.

I am in the process of job hunting. There are wAy more fitness instructors here than I thought! Also looking for a good private school for big sis. We are exploring our new neighborhood more everyday. The girls love it here already. They have a nice big yard with a new Playhouse to run around in all day. They are trying Japanese food and making lots of new friends. We even have a neighbor with a 5 year old little girl.

SPeaking of 5 year olds, our big girl turned 5 last week!! I made her a hello kitty cake and she gOt some great gifts too! I can't believe she is 5. I feel like I just had her, 3 lbs 12 oz 17 inches long back in 2006. She has turned intO such a great, beautiful, smart kid!

Having a preemie was incredibly hard. That's why the March for babies is a very important Organization to us. This will be my second year in a row participating. Please take a minute and a couple dollars to help prevent premature babies and help support healthy pregnancies by donating tO my run. It's super easy! Just go to and click donate! Thanks for the support!!!

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The Mama

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What can I say? I'm fabulous! *kidding* I'm pretty simple...wife and mom who does her best with what she has!