This week in blogland it's MilSpouse Blog Hop. It's a fun an easy way to find/read other military spouse blogs. You're supposed to give a brief bio and why you like to blog so here' goes! http://militaryspouserollercoasterride.blogspot.com/ <~ Go there to add your blog!
I would be Lindsey, I'm 24 years old. I've been married to my amazing Marine for almost 6 years now and we have 2 daughters. Big Sis is 4 and Little Sis is 22 months. I'm originally from Massachusetts. We were stationed in Okianwa, Japan and have since PCS'd to Tampa. We are awaiting orders to our next journey! Every military family/spouse knows that time together as a family is precious and rare. I like to blog because it's a great way to keep family afar up to date with pictures and posts. It's also a great support system for when The Hubs is gone (which seems like all the time). Since we aren't at a Marine Corps base...there is NO support here. It's proved to make deployments a tad more difficult for sure. Thanks for following!! Don't forget to add your blog!

Well, hello hello lovely. So we meet again;)
Have fun meeting new friends...I don't mind sharing you.
~Goodnight moon! See ya there!
Following via the milspouse hop. I love finding new USMC wives... the other wives seriously outnumber us in the blog world! ;)
Nice blog, and nice to meet you! I am from New Hampshire, and we lived right on the border of Massachusetts, plus both my grandparents lived there so I am very familiar with it! :) Always nice to meet a fellow New Englander! Have a great day! Just stopped by on the blog hop!
Hello, new follower here. I liked the post and I am looking forward to reading more. Stop by and check out my blog. The Marine && A Civilian;;
--The Civilian
Stopping by from the bloghop!
Hope you're having fun meeting everyone! :)
following from the hop :) nice to meet you! follow me too - www.haagx5.blogspot.com
semper fi <3
Hey there,
Just started following your blog from the milspouse blog hop. Can't wait to read more. Chat soon.
P.S. you have such a pretty name ::wink wink::
I hopped on over from the blog hop. :-) I am a new follower. Nice to meet you.
I found you on blog hop, looking forward to reading your blog!
- ines
Stopping by from the blog hop. Hello from a fellow marine corps wife :-)
Thanks for linking up on the blog hop! Hopefully you're meeting some great people. It's so nice to meet you!
Fellow Marine Wife over from the bloghop! And loving that you're from New England, as Im a Mainer, myself! Look forward to following!
Ashley @ ourlittledevilpup.blogspot.com
Nice to meet you :)
just stopping by on the blog hop! looking forward to reading more of your posts - they are great!
Hello! I stopped by from the blog hop! I can't wait to read more!
Stopping by from the blog hop...just a little behind on my hopping =)
I am now following you and look forward to reading more
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