Well, it's official. The Hubs is no longer in his early 20's. He turned 26 today!!! I am SO happy he was able to spend his birthday with us. We had a GREAT day too! We started out with my race this morning, which had an amazing turn out of over 4,000 people! It wamrs my heart that so many people care about this organization. I raised a total of $330!!! (I earned tshirts for my team and a portfolio!!) A HUGEEEEEEEEE thanks to everyone who donated. I am so thanksful for good friends/family. I'll be hittin' ya up again next April ;) After the race we had breakfast and headed to the water park. I have to say the people that work there need a swift throat chop but other than that, we had a pleasant time. Big Sis even volunteered to go down the huge water slide. "That was totally wicked!"...were her thoughts after wards. It was so nice to just float down the lazy river (especially after waking up at 5...I NEVER wake up that early!). We all enjoyed a snickers bar ice cream cake and sang Happy Birthday. A great day for sure!
I am super sad that The hubs leaves tomorrow morning :( I feel like he just got home. I'll admit it...I'm pretty tired of saying goodbye to him. I am realllllly hoping after this he will stay around for a while. Well I hope everyone had a great weekend!!! Enjoy the pics!
Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Having a snack


aw looks like he had a great birthday! glad you guys got to spend it together :)
That is so awesome!!!! Congrats on raising $330!!!!!
I love finding fellow USMC wives...I have a military blog, Goodnight moon...come check it out.
OH..your girls are so stinkin cute!!!!
Amber...I've seen your blog...it's so cute!! And thanks on the congrats! It was a great time. Now I'm off to find my next race :)
Congrats! And fyi you are BEAUTIFUL!! No more oager talk!
Figured it would be easier to comment back on your blog! I'm from Billerica, right next to Lowell. :)
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