Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Overseas screening

We were so excited to get our orders to Okinawa that I kind of forgot about the stressful parts. Pcsing from Okinawa to Tampa was one of the hardest things we've done. But I blamed most of the stress on my 8 month pregnant body. Yes...I moved overseas 8 months pregnant. Monday we started out overseas screening stuff. Which is mostly a SHIT ton of paperwork. I made all of our appoitments to get screened. Dentel, medical, passports etc. We did passports yesterday. We all have passports but hubs is under the impression we need official ones along with our civilian ones.

A few months back I had my wisdom teeth consult and with Tricare covering 60%...I still would have to pay $2178. So I said no. (I only want them out so I can get braces, no pain or anything). But to get my clearence...I need em' out. Huge bummer. So I call Tricare and they say my current dentist is not a network provider! WHAT?!?!?! So Ive paid over 2 grand this summer in dental work for NO reason...not even including my wisdom teeth. Totally pissed. Anyway....Im going to an actual network provider today to get ANOTHER consult. I just think it sucks I have to pay..even though they make me get the teeth pulled before we go. Why didnt I have to get them pulled last time I went overseas??

The rest of the week involved physicals for all 4 of us. Dental exams for all 4 of us, a parent teacher conference, a field trip, 2 dance classes, a soccer game, a baby shower...and some stuff I know I'm forgetting. Im stressed out!!! February seems so close to me. People *usually* get 6 months in advance for overseas orders. We have about 3...which is fine. I know we can get stuff done. I will admit, I am pretty nervous for TMO. We need to have a HUGE yard sale. Anyone want to buy 2 cars too??

But a tiny bit of good news in all of this...We are going to visit our parents for Thanksgiving!!! It's our first Thanksgiving at home in like 6 years! We are pretty excited for some time to relax. And eat!

Here is me lately....although my smile isnt quite as big as hers :)

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Holly said...

That is exciting! I told the hubs that I would love to go back to Hawaii or even try Oki.. I have at least another 1.5 years before we find out, lol.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

WowWoWWow! That is A LOT!! That totally sucks about your wisdom teeth, good luck with it! And I agree, it's stupid they won't pay for all of it and it's stupid that you're being forced to get it done when you didn't have to have it done the last time you PCSd overseas. I had it easy getting here in HI because we were newly weds, Lance was already here, So I only worried about my things. I'm not really looking forward to having to PCS in another year or two.

Unknown said...

Wow so much! Being home for Thanksgiving is exciting!!

Kara said...

Let me know if you need anything from my end! I don't know what you could need, but just ask if you do!

I was told we had to get passports through the military. With civilian passports, you are legally allowed to stay in the country for 90 days. With the no-fee military passports, you are allowed to stay the length of time on your orders.

The Mama

My photo
What can I say? I'm fabulous! *kidding* I'm pretty simple...wife and mom who does her best with what she has!