Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tinsel Town

We went to Tinsel Town on the Air Force base here this past weekend. It was a free event, so thats always great. They even had REAL snow! Big Sis loved it but lil Sis HATED it!! She bundled up with Dad to keep warm, it was sooo cute! They went on a couple of rides and saw Santa and we called it a night. Here are a few pics. I still need to blog about Thanksgiving!!! We had quite the get together at our house! Stay tuned!


Shayla said...

lil sis cuddlingwith daddy pic is SO CUTE!!!!

the pictures came out really neat with the lights!!!

such cute girls!! They need a pic with mama!!!

Kara said...

We left before it got dark, so we totally missed the snow! The kids had a blast though. Bless free events. I let them ride the rides as many times as they wanted.

Anonymous said...

SO cute! Great to make spuecial Christmas memories!
We love and miss you all!
Nanny and Grampy

Jamie said...

So fun! Real snow. Very cool. Your girls are too cute.

The Mama

My photo
What can I say? I'm fabulous! *kidding* I'm pretty simple...wife and mom who does her best with what she has!